Education Gaming Laptop

What Are Basic Requirements For Gaming Laptop?

Basic Requirements For Gaming Laptop

Basic Requirements For Gaming Laptop

Hi everyone today we are again with you. This time we have a complete guide on the basics of gaming laptop requirements. If you’re a fan of gaming laptops and you want to know everything about gaming laptops then this guide can be very useful for you.

In this article we are going to discuss video cards, GPU, Memory, Storage etc.  scroll down to read more.

Video card – Games, models, memory and more

Now that you know how to choose your processor, it’s time to get ready to think about a video card capable of running your favorite games. This process takes a little longer and requires a little patience, because in addition to having to think about things like specifications, it is valid to consult reviews to check the performance in practice.

Video card - Games, models, memory

Video card – Games, models, memory

However, before checking the list of available components, it is important to define which titles you want to run on the notebook, as there is no need to exaggerate this aspect if you already have a more powerful machine at home for the most advanced games and are looking for a laptop only for modest games. You can also try best laptop under 45000 if you’re running out of budget.

Simple machines and basic games

If your favorite games are indie games, platform titles or games with simple graphics, chances are that even the Intel HD Graphics 620 (present on CPUs like Intel Core i3-7100U or Intel Core i5-7300U) will do it. of the message. As we already mentioned in an article here at TecMundo, these GPUs run even games like Dead Space 3 and other titles with advanced graphics – as long as the quality is properly adjusted.

If you are looking for an additional level of performance and already want to enjoy a more recent game, a dedicated video card is already recommended. Entry models like the GeForce 940MX (which already has its own memory and has advanced texture processing capabilities) should already be a good option for executing graphics with a good level of detail in HD resolution (1366×768 pixels).

Almost gamers and more robust machines

Players who already think of real gaming machines should focus on devices equipped with more powerful chips, which include models like GeForce GTX 950M, GeForce GTX 960M etc.

It is important to note that among the plates indicated above, the 900 series parts are dedicated to notebooks (they are labeled with the suffix M to indicate the specificity “Mobile”). In practice, this means that a GeForce GTX 960M has limitations when compared to a GeForce GTX 960.

The reason for this distinction is due to the fact that the previous NVIDIA architecture did not allow the maximum performance extraction in notebooks of the time, so that the limitation in the product’s performance resulted in a decrease in temperature and energy consumption, which ensured the good efficiency of the component in a laptop.

Gamers who have more conditions should already opt for a GeForce GTX 10 series card, which comes with the latest technologies and has the same performance as dedicated cards for desktops. However, as we have already proved in tests, due to limitations in the notebook’s energy designs, you should not expect exactly the same performance on laptop graphics chips.

Now, just as important as power is the amount of video card memory. It is worth keeping an eye on this aspect, as many devices bring 4 GB of dedicated memory, but in practice, this does not mean much if the graphics chip is unable to process (quickly and with quality) all the textures stored in memory .

Speaking of which, except for the GTX 950M, all the cards mentioned above are compatible with GDDR5 type memories, which means much more speed for your games. When choosing a model for games, it is important to ascertain such information, as DDR3 memories greatly limit the performance of the graphics component.

Which GPU to choose for quality gaming?



Having said all of that, you may still have some doubts about which video card to choose to achieve good gaming quality. Speaking specifically of the GeForce GTX 10 series, we can guarantee that even the simplest model in the series (the GTX 1050) is capable of running any game today.

As we have already proven in tests with recent notebooks (including Dell Gaming models, Acer Aspire and Samsung Odyssey), just a few adjustments to the graphics quality of games (which usually includes the deactivation of filters) are enough to achieve satisfactory performance in Full HD resolution.

If you are refined and want a high quality of textures or if you already think about keeping filters activated, it may be that the GeForce GTX 1060 is already a more recommended card for your gaming laptop.

Now, for those looking for performance slack, the best solution is the GeForce GTX 1070, which is already capable of running any game at full quality and still has performance for testing at 4K resolution.

Finally, we have the GeForce GTX 1080, which arrives as the maximum solution in gaming notebooks. There are few models with this graphics chip here in Brazil, and you should be aware that the high performance comes with the cost of a large consumption of energy. However, if the idea is to try 4K, Virtual Reality and guarantee a good performance for the next few years, this is the safest bet!

Memory and storage

Memory and storage

Memory and storage

To conclude this article, we have two more important issues: RAM and storage. Well, again, we have the question of the purpose of the machine.

Regarding RAM, it is quite possible that almost all game execution scenarios can be easily solved with two configurations: 8 GB or 16 GB.

If your thing is to enjoy simple games (either on the onboard graphics chip or even on a simpler card), you probably won’t need 16 GB of RAM. Thus, you can safely bet on 8 GB, as this is more than enough for almost all the activities that a machine of this size can perform (sometimes it is worth checking if there is an option for future expansion).

Now, if you are a demanding gamer (and bet on a GTX 1050 or higher) and want to play safe, then 16 GB of memory is the best option, as there is enough space to store all temporary game data. There are manufacturers that offer configurations with 32 GB of RAM (and even more), but, except for very rare cases, such an option is a waste of money and components.

On the storage side, as we have already criticized the manufacturers countless times, the best solution for games is a combination of SSD (at least one component with 120 GB to store the system and the main games) and HD (with 1 TB to save the others) games and files).

There are many laptops that have space for just one drive, so you’ll need to define whether you prefer space or speed. Players who enjoy only a few games or who play sporadically (and will keep only one or the other title installed), sometimes it is worth swapping the 1 TB hard drive for a 240 GB SSD.

A complex choice

Well, as you could see above, it is not easy to find a gamer configuration that appeals in all aspects. Often, you even get a very robust notebook in processing and graphics, but then it falls short in storage. The alternative is to seek the best possible solution and then increase it later.



In addition to all these details, it is worth thinking and consulting reviews and even the manufacturers’ websites to find out other requirements, such as design, weight, battery life, cooling system, screen quality and sound power. It is a long process and requires attention, but it is important to keep an eye on each parameter so as not to regret it.

So, do you have any more tips for friends who are going to buy notebook gamers? Leave your comment and share your information and experiences.