Top Tips on How to Stencil Like a Pro
When decorating your home interiors, you have several options. While the most common methods are paint and wallpaper, you can also think of using stencils to create attractive repetitive patterns or designs. Decorating with stencils is relatively easy, and you can do it without going to the trouble and expense of hiring professional painters. However, to get the best results that will wow your guests; you need to know the fundamental techniques of stencil painting.
Get the Alignment Right
To paint with stencils, you must fix a stencil in one place, paint over it, move it to an adjacent space, and continue until you have covered the target space. To achieve a good look, you must align the stencil straight when you start and stick to it as you make progress. The best way of doing it is to draw a chalk line on the wall with the help of a level or project a line on the wall with a laser level. You will prevent your design from looking wonky by following the correct alignment.
Secure the Stencil on the Surface
If the stencil moves when you are painting, your work can get spoiled, which is the reason, you need to secure the stencil properly on the wall. You can use double-sided tape, a low-tack painter’s tape, or a spray-on adhesive to ensure the stencil stays on the surface without shifting but at the same time, does not peel the paint off the surface. You must ensure that the painting stencils for canvas sit flat on the surface for best results.
Use Less Paint for Maximum Results
You should know that the excess paint will likely seep under the edges of the stencil and spoil your design. You will achieve the best result by removing almost all the paint from the brush by wiping it off and applying it with a brush that is almost dry to the stencil. According to Laura Radniecki, you can apply a second coat after allowing the first to dry for better results. For best results, use thick paints even if they are more expensive. Thin paints tend to be runny and will bleed under the stencils.
Use Stencil Brushes
Many people prefer to use sponges to apply paint on the stencils, however, if you want to use brushes, you must make sure you use stencil brushes and not the ordinary flathead paintbrushes. Stencil brushes have a rounded head that allows a more even paint distribution. Their short and stiff bristles allow a better quality of finish. Brushing in a quick but smooth up and down motion will get you better results and prevent the paint from getting in under the edges of the stencil.
To get results you will be proud of, you should start your painting from the edges of the stencil and work your way inward. It helps to prevent the paint from getting underneath the stencil. If you want to work in multiple colors, use painter’s tape to mask the areas you don’t want paint of a particular color. Practice on cardboard till you feel confident enough to start on the project.