With every passing minute, the need for automation is rising in all spheres of our lives – be it as we shop for a smartphone online or brainstorm at our workplace. According to IDC, global data generation would increase to 61% (175 zettabytes) by 2025, booming automation and data analysis across all industries. Business owners globally have been automating their operations ever since to increase their production and value. And, this is leading to an increase in demand for artificial intelligence courses among professionals looking forward to promising career opportunities.
Brands – big and small, mainstream, or off-beat require compelling, robust, and convenient AI tools that can help them transform and migrate from legacy systems seamlessly. The market has been slowly reaching the saturation point with only a few practical, standalone AI engines that can help in automating any bottleneck tasks, maximizing production in a cost-effective environment.
Artificial intelligence (AI) holds the potential to redefine our future – as it modernizes healthcare, builds secure finance systems, and revolutionizes transportation. Here’s how:
- Fundamentally, AI constitutes a computer science ecosystem that takes significant, smart decisions with algorithms’ help. For large government agencies and private enterprises, AI can fortify their crucial data fields and provide high-end, failsafe security protocols to eliminate data thefts or breaches.
- Since it is made of a plethora of complex, elaborate algorithms, it can also enable programmers to write better codes, cutting down production time. This opens up new frontiers when it comes to increasing productivity and building clean, customized, value-based tools and products for customers.
While AI does open new horizons, positively impacting our lives for the better, is that all there is? It’s time we take a closer look into how it all works. If you asked the same to the fathers of artificial intelligence in the 1950s, they’d have termed it as any specific task carried out by a program. Sounds like a good overstatement? That’s how it all started. Today, it has evolved to become so much more, as it delivers solutions closely associated with human intelligence in planning, reasoning, problem-solving, decision making, and perception. In a broad spectrum, there can be two different types of AI:
Narrow AI
It includes intelligent systems that we see in our smartphones and computers today from Siri to Alexa. These self-aware systems are trained to complete tasks without being programmed explicitly for each scenario. An example of the same can be that of drones inspecting high-security facilities and assets like pipelines and buildings.
General AI
This is the more tangible intelligence that can be adapted to carry out miscellaneous tasks as and when required (No, it isn’t like Skynet in Terminator). Out of the two types, General AI shows human-like adaptability in learning to perform tasks by gathered experience. While it may sound intriguing, such ‘super-intelligent’ systems may have a 50% chance of being right by 2040-2050 as per an Oxford University survey.
Now that you know a little something about AI, in general, let’s talk about the 10 most useful, powerful AI tools that businesses can’t do without:

Artificial Intelligence
1. TensorFlow
Preferred by developers across the world owing to its open architecture, it can be used for computations by GPUs/CPUs. Developed by Google, it is one of the most relied upon, open-source AI tools for designing and deploying machine learning (ML) models.
2. H2O.ai
A distinct AI suite for software products like Spark, and AutoML can enable brands to design their own AI dashboards with real-time data.
3. Microsoft Cognitive Services
One of the largest providers of intelligent APIs, this platform can be hugely useful for developers to integrate speech, vision, language, and other elements into apps and bots. It can include the following tools:
- Emotion API: It helps in detecting facial expressions in an image.
- Computer Vision API: It helps developers to derive data from images for categorizing and processing.
- Speaker Recognition API: It is used to differentiate between individual voices and is generally implemented for voice authentication.
- Language Understanding API: Essential for conversational applications, it helps in identifying crucial information from sentences in a conversation.
4. IBM Watson
Blessed with innovations in ML, it helps developers build the latest models from scratch. With the ability to take from smaller datasets, IBM Watson also allows easy integration into Salesforce and Box to make informed decisions in terms of sales and services.
5. Google AI Platform
Offering a vast array of tools like TensorFlow, it helps businesses design AI deployments that can seamlessly run on Google Cloud.
6. Azure Machine Learning
An ultimate machine learning production studio, this tool offers a vast ML platform with a pay-per-use model. It comes with MLOps that can enhance the overall ML workflow, as well as added security and data management.
7. Image Upscaler
Image Upscaler is an online optimized service that basis on AI for people. The site helps users resize images without losing quality, remove background, deblur and enhance images, Also, using artificial intelligence, on Image Upscaler you can generate images from the text descriptions.
8. BigML
It is a machine learning-based platform with a variety of tools that can help in modeling, time forecasting, and security loopholes detection in an environment. It is an end-to-end management system that can help developers to build embedded, remote data models.
9. Conversica:
It is a crowd-pleasing virtual sales assistant that was designed to interact with gross sales leads. It can equip the sales team to direct its focus on closing deals, instead of chasing down prospects, as it sends automated two-way e-mails.
10. DataRPM
It is preferred by enterprises to build data products that can maximize everyday productivity and operation. The tool is based on ML, predictive analysis, deep learning, and AI, making it compile customer data to derive actionable insights.
7. Engati
One of the most common AI chat box tools in the market, it is known for its self-aware system, which can extract the required information from human interactions. A quick and simple platform, it is an excellent tool if you want to build your chatbot.
There are many more of such useful tools that can help your business to flourish and enhance your customer services with time. With the increasing popularity of automation, companies worldwide can look for an era powered by AI, which comes with profound conclusions and promising possibilities.