EYEONPOLICE is a new social app designed to help end police brutality and anti-black racism. This app was developed by a group of people who are passionate about ending police brutality, which has been existence for too long. Police brutality and anti-black racism in the U.S. remain among the most serious human rights violations, and it’s about time we did something about it. Typically, it has been difficult to hold the police force accountable for their actions because most people don’t report cases of police brutality. Besides, there has never existed a reliable platform where people can report good and bad police reviews so that we can know good hard working police officers and those that are a potential risk to the general public.

The EYEONPOLICE APP has been developed to turn things around and provide a reliable platform where people can directly report good and bad police reviews on their phones. This app will ensure police officers are held accountable for their actions by having their reviews open to the public. The EYEONPOLICE APP was inspired by a YouTube video of a black activist—Curtis Hayes giving a powerful message to a young protestor about the best ways to end systemic police brutality and anti-black racism.
Learn more: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/eyeonpolice/social-app-to-end-police-brutality?ref=bu13qp

EYEONPOLICE APP is an effective platform for breaking the cycle of police brutality and anti-black racism as it uses a unique approach that hasn’t been used before. Unlike approaches that have been used in the past to end police brutality and anti-black racism, this app uses technology and social media to hold the police force accountable. Today, a large number of people use technology and social media in various ways; hence they are more likely to leverage this app to bring about the intended change. EYEONPOLICE APP will help to build trust between the public and the police force. Just like other professionals are held accountable by their actions, police officers also need to know that they are being watched.

The EYEONPOLICE APP allows the public to notify the police department of good cops who are doing their work professionally to safeguard the public as well as those that could harm or kill an innocent person. This app will serve as an early warning detection system for bad cops to avoid cases like the killing of George Floyd and Breonna Taylor. In fact, if the app had been developed early enough, the death of George Floyd and other black people who’ve died in the hands of the police could have been prevented. The good thing is that we now have a way of reporting police officers for their conduct to ensure they are accountable.

The EYEONPOLICE APP signifies the end of police brutality and anti-black racism by helping the relevant authorities to identify bad cops and take the appropriate action to safeguard the public. This app gives people a voice and a tool to bring to an end police brutality and anti-black racism.